Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Brown bear, brown bear...umm tasty cardboard

CNN.com - The joy of reading - Aug 28, 2006

There's a good article this week at CNN.com about reading to your kids. Everyone always says that reading to babies is important, but not everyone always tells you how to do it. This article has a rundown of what to look for in a good baby/infant book and what to expect the reading process to be like.
We've been reading to the squirt since the get-go and at 8 months, he does love "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you see?" But I think his favourite thing about it is the taste.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree.
We are raising 2 bi-lingual kids and when ever my daughter is at home she wants me to read her in Hebrew because English she gets at school. we have started since she was 4 months and she is also on my laptop since she is two years - also improved her "reading" and problem solving - JoJo Circus - miracle maker