Technorati Tags: rss, aggregator
Monday, February 26, 2007
Your favourite RSS Feed reader/aggregator
Technorati Tags: rss, aggregator
Your favourite RSS Feed reader/aggregator
Technorati Tags: rss, aggregator
Sunday, February 25, 2007
You're so smart, I'm making you stupid.

Growing up I was one of the "smart kids". School came very easily until University, and didn't get really hard until grad school. My whole life I was told how smart I was, and looking back, I realize that I fell precisely into the trap that the article outlines. It turns out that kids who are praised for being smart rather than working hard are more likely to give up quickly when faced with something that doesn't come easily.
Sounds a lot like my life. Piano, guitar, karate, tai chi, basketball, soccer, quantum mechanics...the list goes on. Stuff that initially interested me but that I let go or settled on being mediocre at because it was hard.
I find myself falling into the same trap with the kid already. Hopefully this article will help with that.
Technorati Tags: education, development, praise
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Empathy in infants and toddlers...
I've seen the CB show concern for others before. He always strokes and kisses kids who are crying, and he loves to hug his friends and family when he sees them.
I know kids are sensitive to stress in those around them, but it is an amazing thing to see it so clearly.
Technorati Tags: empathy, development, philosopherdad
Sunday, February 18, 2007
15 Answers to Creationist Nonsense
Next time the subject comes up at a PTA, whip out a copy of
"15 Answers to Creationist Nonesense" from Scientific American.
Technorati Tags: science, creationism, evolution, intelligent design
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Kangaroo care....

Kangaroo care is the term used to describe skin-to-skin contact between preemies and their parents, even when the babies still need respirators or monitoring.
The benefits are striking. Stress decrease in the infants is clear, and there appear to be long term benefits regarding sensory integration (which is something that will be discussed another time).
Our local CBC morning show, Daybreak, had an interview with a mother of premature twins and the head of pediatrics/neonatology at the Jewish General Hospital, where kangaroo care has been practiced for 15 years.
Hear the interview.
Kangaroo Care (Google Search)
Technorati Tags: breastfeeding, philosopherdad, kangaroo care
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Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Toxic Breastmilk.... depends on where you live
See the article
Technorati Tags: breastfeeding, VOC
Yawn.....Napping is good for you heart
Siesta Sense: Midday Napping Associated With Reduced Risk Of Heart-related Death
Science Daily —
Among Greek adults, taking regular midday naps is associated with
reduced risk of death from heart disease over a six-year period,
especially among working men, according to a report in the February 12
issue of Archives of Internal Medicine, one of the JAMA/Archives journal.
Technorati Tags: sleep, science daily, napping
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The (Second) Great Stroller Debate
There are the side-by-side and linear/stadium options and the crazy phil underside e3.
Right now the two main competitors are the yet-to-be-released Graco Quattro Duo and the Peg Perego Duette SW (with a freakin' steering wheel).

Any suggestions? Pros/Cons?
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Yup, it's our fault after all
Last week the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its report basically telling us that human activity is indeed the principle cause of climate change.

Making drastic changes to your lifestyle is not always reasonable when raising kids, but there are a lot of easy things that you can do to reduce your energy consumption and the amount of waste you produce. Some are obvious, others less so. Here's a quick list:
- Turn off the lights when you leave a room.
- Turn down your heat by 1 degree Celsius (~2 degrees F).
- Buy compact fluorescent lightbulbs.
- Buy Energystar-rated appliances.
- Use the shortest cycle on your dishwasher.
- Hang clothes to dry.
- When it comes time to buy/lease a new car, ask yourself, do I really need an SUV/MiniVan/Chrysler 300?
- With older kids, set a "walking only" radius around your house. No exceptions. Not even for you.
- Get a domestic composter. There plenty of good options, even if you don't have a yard.
- You can clean almost anything with vinegar or baking soda and water.
Technorati Tags: environment, IPCC, climate change
Thursday, February 01, 2007
Repeat after me... "Natural does not always mean good."
Chemists are learning that smaller quantities of various compounds often have greater effects than previously expected.
In this report from the New England Journal of Medicine (via researchers have found that lavender and tea tree oils can act as estrogen mimics in certain cases:
Lavender and tea tree oils found in some shampoos, soaps and lotions
can temporarily leave boys with enlarged breasts in rare cases,
apparently by disrupting their hormonal balance, a preliminary study
suggests.While advising parents to consider the possible risk,
several hormone experts emphasized that the problem appears to happen
infrequently and clears up when the oils are no longer used. None of
those interviewed called for a ban on sales.The study reported
on the condition, gynecomastia, in three boys ages 4, 7 and 10. They
all went back to normal when they stopped using skin lotions, hair gel,
shampoo or soap with the natural oils.It's unclear how often this problem might crop up in other young children.
plant oils, sometimes called "essential oils," are added to many
health-care products, usually for their scent. The oils are sometimes
found in other household products or sold in purer forms. Tea tree oil
is sometimes used in shampoos for head lice.The suspected effect
in this study is attributed to a chemical within the oils that the body
processes as it does estrogen, the female hormone that promotes breast
growth.The findings were being reported Thursday in the New
England Journal of Medicine. The federally funded study came out of the
University of Colorado and the environmental health branch of the
National Institutes of Health. The findings were first released last
year at a science meeting.The three boys were brought to their
doctors with overdeveloped breasts that looked like those of girls in
early puberty. They were sore in one case. For each boy, doctors could
tie the problem only to their use over several months of the
natural-oil products.The researchers suspected that the oils
might be upsetting the boys' hormonal balance. So they did a series of
laboratory tests to check how these oils work within human cells. The
oils appeared to mimic estrogen and block the male hormone androgen.On
product labels, the oils sometimes are listed by their scientific
names: Lavandula angustifolia (lavender oil) and Melaleuca alternifolia
(tea tree oil). Such products do not require government approval to be
sold unless they make specific health claims.Marijuana and soy products also have been linked to gynecomastia.
Clifford Bloch, a hormone specialist in Greenwood Village, Colorado,
who treated the three boys, recommended that parents "be cautious" with
such products, especially for prolonged use. "I would not give these
products to my children," he said in an interview.Bloch said he
also suspects the oil played a role in a handful of young girls he saw
for a similar condition, including a 17-month-old whose parents were
washing her bottles with a lavender-scented soap.Others sounded
less worried. "It takes very little estrogen to cause gynecomastia in a
young child," said Dr. Richard Auchus, a University of Texas hormone
expert who knew of the study findings. "If they're getting it for a
brief period of time, that really shouldn't cause long-term problems."Also,
the research did not pinpoint any specific estrogen-like compounds in
the oils or look for them in a range of products. Chemist Steven
Dentali, at the industry group American Herbal Products Association,
said that warning people to avoid such oils "is premature without the
additional basic research needed to bolster the case that the issue
here is both real and significant."Gynecomastia is very common
in boys during the hormonal changes of puberty. But it also occurs as a
rare condition in younger boys, men, and girls before puberty.Bloch, the study doctor, said it's unknown if such oils could hurt women with estrogen-fed breast tumors.
Technorati Tags: gynecomastia, essential oils